
Monday, April 6, 2015

How to Write the Perfect First Blog Post

Google didn't give me many good suggestions when I entered the above into the search bar.  I guess that's the problem with blogs- there's no guarantees that yours will be worth anything.   Especially when the writer is one with as paltry of a resume as mine:
Experience: little. As the Patron Saint of Abandoned Blogs, casualties of my laziness/forgetfulness/cowardice lay scattered about the dusty corners of the internet.  I always eventually decide that I never should have fancied myself a writer.

Qualifications? Few.  I am not on top of my Pinterest Game.  I own a sewing machine that I've never used, my husband is the dedicated chef in our home, and I can barely remember to lock the front door before I go to bed at night.

I am, however, good at struggle.  I’m a professional struggle-r. I struggle to figure out who and what and where I’m supposed to be.  I struggle to have faith that God is close.  I struggle to believe that my life is meaningful and that beauty is a part of my inheritance.  I struggle with anxiety and depression, I struggle to find the right medication dosage to manage, and I struggle with feeling guilty that I need to be on medication at all.

Is my struggle worth something to God?  Does it matter to him that sometimes, I feel like I don’t know Him- don’t love Him at all?  I often walk into a church service and feel anxious and overwhelmed.  I rarely share my spiritual life with my non-Christian friends, because I don’t want to sell a product that I don’t feel like I’m using.

To readers looking for spiritual guidance, wise advice, or fearless faith: you will be disappointed here. 

To my fellow strugglers, I say: Welcome.

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